Top Ten Books For My College Collection // Comfort Books And ARCs I’ll Read In College!

Hey loves! Top Ten Tuesday is a book blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s prompt is Books I’ve Read That I’d Like In My Personal Library. Now, I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m an avid library user who basically never buys books and, in fact, only own 14 YA books despite reading 100+ per year!

So as I started writing this post, I realized that it was just a list of my all time favorite books, and I’ve done many posts like that in the past; it’s pretty redundant.

So instead, I decided to compile a list of my Top Seven Books I Think I’ll Bring To College (oops couldn’t find 10). I’m leaving for college soon and can’t bring many books with me, and I’m not sure what the library system will be like, so I’ll definitely be bringing a few. Here’s what I’m thinking:

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Comfort Books To Reread

I reread books all the time, and these are some of my comfort reads that I’ve reread tons of times. I think I’d like to have a few of these with me to make me feel happy and at home.

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1. To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before


This book means the absolute world to me! I’ve read it 3 times (and seen the movie 5 times), and Lara Jean is the most relatable protagonist I’ve ever read about, so having this copy with me to reread whenever I’m feeling stressed will be like having a friend with me.

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2. Ella Enchanted


This was my childhood favorite book! I have no idea how many times I’ve read it; enough to crack the spine and batter the edges so it’s very well read. Reading this always makes me feel young again and brings back good memories.

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3. Winter

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The Lunar Chronicles is my favorite YA series, and also the only series I own in full, so I know having this book on hand will make me always feel happy. Also, this 800+ sucker is so long I know if I can’t get to the library and don’t have enough books, it’ll take me a while to get through this beast.

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Unread ARCs I’ve Been Saving

I used to not have any unread books, but after I hauled a ton at Yallwest and have received a few from publishers, I have some now! I’ve been saving some to bring to college so I know I’ll have new books!

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4. Fireborne


I’ve been looking forward to this book since I got it in May, but have held off so I have have it at college. If I’m stressed from classes, what better thing to do that escape to a world of dragons?

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5. Paul, Big, and Small


This is another book I got at Yallwest. I wasn’t too excited to read it so I left it for a while, and now I figure I’ll just bring it to college.

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6. The Candle In The Flame

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I know this came out in May, but I got it at Yallwest so I had no obligation to review it or read by the publication date! Instead it’s been sitting around so it’ll be perfect for college.

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Let’s Chat

How many books do you think is a good number to bring to college? I love reading but my dorm is tiny! What are some books you’d like for your personal collection? I’d love to chat in the comments below!


38 thoughts on “Top Ten Books For My College Collection // Comfort Books And ARCs I’ll Read In College!

  1. Lovely list!! I’m super excited for Firebourne to release – I was tempted to request the eARC of it many times, but I’m afraid I don’t have the time to read and review it before its release. Haha! I love Winter, as you know, so I can absolutely see why you’d want to bring it with you to college! I have a copy of Paul, Big, and Small that I need to read too! Maybe we could buddy read it some time soon, if you’re free! 😉 ❤

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  2. Great list! I’m still not over how beautiful the cover of The Candle and the Flame is. I took quite a few books to university with me, but a lot of that was down to me not being able to decide and wanting to have as much choice with me as possible. I definitely think having some favourites with you to re-read is a good idea! 😀

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  3. I always felt so unsure about what kind of books I would be in the mood to read in college, so I just brought my Harry Potter books every single year!

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  4. I vote to bring ALL THE BOOKS to college! JK, I totally get the small space in dorm rooms.
    Lol, after my freshman year, I started bringing a bookcase with me every year so I could keep a bunch of books with me ( I currently have 39 books with me, tho only 12 of those are “fun reads” & ARCs, everything else is for class or my internship)

    And yesss, Gail Carson Levine’s books are some of my childhood favorites too! And ooh, I can’t wait to see what ya think of Fireborne– I haven’t heard/seen much about that one.

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      1. So true, but you’ll make it work!
        And it is, tho it’s small (only 3 shelves, which is actually perfect)! Totally recommend picking up a cheap small bookcase and bringing it with ya in the future if you can snag a bigger room and find yourself wanting to bring/buy more books! 🙂


  5. i SCREAMED when i saw TO ALL THE BOYS as the first book on this list because i also brought it with me to college freshman year!! it’s also sitting on my shelf now too as a senior. i think it’s something that will always stay dear to our hearts 💖

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  6. Good luck at college. I would bring ones I haven’t read before that you are excited about reading. I haven’t read the Lunar series, but I really liked the series called Flawed by Cecelia Ahern.


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