Should We Embrace Spoilers?

I don’t like spoilers. I never have. I was so annoyed when the ending of Allegiant was spoiled for me before I even started reading Divergent! And when my friend told me who the murderer was in And Then There Were None that ruined the entire story for me! There are just so many spoilers we run across seemingly all the time on the internet. It’s always seemed natural that we hate spoilers. I mean, doesn’t that take away from the entire point of reading a story?


A couple of weeks ago, I posted my discussion Are Ships Spoilers where I talked about whether revealing which characters end up together should be considered a spoiler. Reading the comments was really interesting and I just wanted to share: 4 people said ships are NOT spoilers, 8 people said they ARE spoilers, and 3 people said it just depends. What was most interesting to me though, was hearing people say that while they may/may not be spoilers, they still enjoy getting spoiled on them!


Since then I’ve been thinking about how bad spoilers really are! For example, Ashley from Book Tales mentioned that knowing the outcome gives her incentive to finish reading the story, which is valid. Sometimes if the beginning of a book is boring, I might want to dnf, but if I have something to get excited for, I’ll push through to get to that reward!

This could go both ways though! For example, you probably know the ending of Allegiant, which was something that made me and many others upset while reading the books. I know a couple people who have said they see no point in reading the books knowing how they end. Personally though, that ending didn’t bother me, especially after reading a blog post by Veronica Roth on why she made that controversial ending! It would have been a shame to not read a book because of what I thought I would think on an ending. (I didn’t like Allegiant, but for different reasons than the ending).

Image result for divergent trilogy

Another reason for liking spoilers could be because you see more things as you read, such as foreshadowing. This is one of the reasons that I LOVE rereading–it seems like you always see something new! With foreshadowing especially, it’s amazing to be able to appreciate things that point to the ending that I missed the first time. If you aren’t someone who likes rereading, or aren’t planning on rereading that particular book, being spoiled for the ending could help you have a more amazing reading experience.

On the other hand, while rereading, I can’t ever really get the same anxiety and stress and tension on not knowing the outcome. I feel like that’s a huge part of the reading experience, and knowing the ending really takes away from that, which, in my opinion, is a much larger drawback than the gain of getting to notice all the little things.

So in the end… I’m sticking with my belief that spoilers are bad and we should run screaming like small children at the earliest scent of them haha. For me personally, the cons just outweigh the cons! Best case scenario I read it the first time for the suspense, and the second time for all the hidden goodies 🙂 (of course that really doesn’t happen a lot because, you know, 1000000 books in the world that I haven’t read yet, but you know, in a perfect world).

Light Inside Library

Do you like knowing spoilers? I’m sure there are many more reasons that I haven’t thought of for both the pros and cons, and I would love to chat about it in the comments below 🙂

29 thoughts on “Should We Embrace Spoilers?

  1. I like spoilers. For books that aren’t very good, I find spoilers help convince you to keep reading, since if you already know what happens going in, you were clearly still interested in what happens and likely want to see how it all plays out. On the other hand, I believe knowing spoilers shouldn’t matter with good books. I should still be engrossed in the story, or I should be completely sucked in and forget I even know what’s going to happen.

    I think it’s also interesting to consider that we spoil ourselves for books all the time just by being readers. For example, going into a book series, we know the main character cannot die until the last book if it is a single perspective story. This is the reason I knew what was going to happen at the end of Allegiant well before my preorder even showed up because we suddenly had two perspectives when the other books had only had one. While Allegiant is a bad example of this because I wasn’t a fan of the Divergent series, I would normally want to find out the how and the why of a major spoiler like that, so I would still want to read the book.

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  2. It’s funny you posted this today because I just had a conversation about spoilers with my sibling lol (Okay, it was about the movie Infinity War, but I think spoilers apply for movies and shows as much as books) In general, spoilers tend to affect me negatively. I don’t bother reading or watching the end when I know I won’t like it – though when I know I’ll love it, I will definitely finish it. Which is weird because I love rewatching the same movies a dozen times and the same goes for rereading?

    But if it’s small spoilers like the scenes in movie trailers, I kinda like them. Because often they cut the scenes in a way that will have you draw the wrong conclusion, and then you’ll be caught completely off-guard when you finally see the whole thing, which is really fun and mind-blowing when done right. So I guess it really depends on the spoiler, to me at least.

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    1. Spoilers definitely apply for movies and shows as much as books! I know what you mean; I sometimes feel less inclined to finish if I know how it ends. I definitely like the scenes in movie trailers like you say, though, as long as they aren’t too spoilery 🙂

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  3. I agree, I’m not a fan of spoilers, the first time I read a book I want to experience everything for myself for the first time. Spoilers don’t necessarily mean I won’t read a book or even that I enjoy books less because before I read Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda I accidentally got spoiled and knew who Blue was but still loved the story, however, I would have really liked the opportunity to read the book without knowing the first time and see if I could figure it out myself and obviously because I got spoiled that was never an option.

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  4. I personally don’t mind about spoilers – mostly. The other day I was talking to a friend about Goldenhand, a sequel to the Abhorsen trilogy which I haven’t read, and then realized I thought I was talking about Clariel, the prequel, which I was more aware of – so when I realized I was confused AF I was like wait let’s stop talking about this maybe I do care about spoilers lol. I also appreciate spoilers when a piece of media kills off a gay character at the end because I’m not about that so why not stop while the series isn’t complete trash. Or I’ve been spoiled for things that happen in Supernatural/HIMYM, shows I stopped watching for reasons, and now I know I never have to pick them back up!

    I also try to respect other’s not wanting to be spoiled. I can definitely understand the deflating feeling when someone spoils something for you. It can take all the anticipation and fun out of reading.

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  5. I really don’t like spoilers! For example, I watched the movie Gone Girl before reading the book. I then preceded to read the book and it ruined the entire reading experience for me because I knew exactly what was going to happen. But there are other books that I have been spoiled on and I still loved the book but I’d personally just prefer not to be spoiled.

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  6. I don’t really like spoilers. But I don’t mind if I accidently find out? Like when I’m reading a review, if there are spoiler tags, I read them anyway (because I have no self control lol).
    I do avoid spoilers if the book is part of a series I love which I’ve been waiting to read in forever. Does it make sense?
    The only instance where I actively avoided spoilers was for infinity war. I excited several group chats and deleted my tumblr app.
    So I guess it depends on how much I’m invested. 😊

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  7. I totally agree, spoilers can be the worst! Sometimes if it’s for a book I’m unsure about, I’ll look up spoilers to see if I want to read it, which is bad but helps me make up my mind. But other than that, I hate spoilers! I’m so sorry And Then There Were None was spoiled for you 😦

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  8. I used to be pretty chill with spoilers, I would intentionally spoil books for myself all the time because I was just so impatient but now I’ve done a complete 180 and I hate spoilers. Now I’ve become the type of person who honestly rather go into a book without even reading the synopsis because occasionally even the synopsis will give me more info than I want. My kinda rule of thumb is that synopses should never reveal anything that happens beyond the first act of the story.

    As far as my thoughts on ships go… I think it depends. I can certainly think of an example of a ship that I count as a spoiler and avoid discussing with people who haven’t got to that part of the story yet, but I’ve found that to be more the exception, not really the rule

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  9. I don’t like spoilers. Knowing what will eventually happen in a book, makes me lose focus too easily because all I can think about it the big spoiler at the end. Or I’ll put off reading a book because I know the ending. Hoping that I will forget the spoiled part. That didn’t work for Allegiant though.

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  10. This is such a great discussion post! ❤ I'm not an advocate for spoilers, because I love diving into a book, blindly! The ending of the Harry Potter series was spoiled for me, and it really bugged me, because it wasn't very shocking when a certain event happened. Knowing a spoiler won't necessarily hinder me from reading a book/series, but it's definitely a shame since I won't be able to fully appreciate mystery elements!

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  11. While I hate to read spoilers before I’ve picked up a book myself I have no problem if people have shared spoilers for those that have read or enjoy reading about them beforehand IF it is labeled as a spoiler for those of us that don’t want to read it. I write a generalization of the story much like a book blurb in my review to give folks an idea of what the story is about but do my best not to mention any specifics but I’ve seen reviews that break down step by step the entire book with no warning. Pretty easy to in the very least put a line at the top saying this contains spoilers.

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  12. I honestly hate spoilers I avoid them like the plague and I’m so scared of getting spoiled for big releases this year because I am not up for that. Every time I’m spoiled for something, it’s constantly in the back of my mind while reading it and then I can’t focus on anything except the spoiler, waiting for it to be revealed sooner rather than later because I can’t focus on anything but the damn spoiler. My friends often spoil themselves for books and they don’t mind but I honestly can’t deal with spoilers.
    Plus, I feel like everyone got spoiled for Alliegant before they read it (I was, you were, my friends all were) maybe it’s a universal thing 😂

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