The Reader Confession Tag!

I was tagged for the Reader Confession Tag! Thanks so much to The Cozy Pages ❤

Have you ever damaged a book? ...yes. I used to dog ear library books (hides in shame). I’ve also broken the spine of a few of my well loved books. Also one library book I brought to the beach and it got wet.

*hides in shame*


How long does it take you to read a book? Depends. Mostly I read a book in 1-2 days. If it’s huge like ACOMAF or old and dense like P&P, longer.

Image result for acomaf

Books that you haven’t finished? Not many. There are a few, but not since joining Goodreads, back when I didn’t used to keep track of the books I read, so I don’t remember.

Hyped/Popular books you didn’t like? The two I can think of most notably are Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard and Eliza and Her Monsters by Franscia Zappia

Image result for red queen

Is there a book you wouldn’t tell anyone you were reading? Nope! I think…

How many books do you own? 47. Yep, less than 50. And that number DOES include my kiddie/middle grade books (I have much more of these than actual YA books).

Are you a fast reader or a slow reader? I think I’m a pretty fast reader…I can finish a 300ish page contemporary in one sitting. But since joining Goodreads/the book blogsphere, I’ve seen a lot of INSANELY fast readers so I’m not that fast compared to them? I’m fast enough for me 🙂

Do you like to buddy read? I’ve never done it, and honestly, it just doesn’t appeal to me. I like reading books at my own rate. I’m a 100% mood reader and couldn’t put up with a schedule or anything.

Do you read better in your head or out loud? I always read in my head!

If you were only allowed to own one book, what would it be and why? I notice that the question says own, not read, and I already go to the library all the time so honestly I’m not even upset at all 😀 Probably Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire because it’s my favorite HP, one of my favorite all time, and it’s long enough to keep me busy for quite a while!

Image result for goblet of fire book


30 thoughts on “The Reader Confession Tag!

  1. I sort of feel you on Buddy Reads. It really depends on the format for me. I’ve had some buddy reads where I’ve had to read X amount of pages each day and I would chat with a friend about it via DMs. That’s too much for me. I can’t always fit in 50-100 pages a day, so I hate feeling guilty about falling behind. That being said, now when I do buddy reads, I run my own Group and discussion board on Goodreads, and invite my friends to it so that we can chat about chapters and big events at our leisure together over time. It allows for us to read at our own speed and makes the whole thing feel like way less pressure. Maybe try that sometime. 🙂

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    1. I’m glad you can relate! I would go crazy trying to read X number of pages a day–sometimes I’m just exhausted and don’t read anything, and sometimes I just motor through an entire book in a day! That idea with Goodreads groups seems better 🙂

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  2. Dog eared pages! *horrified screaming*

    The rest is more or less exactly me 😂 Busy reading had never been my thing! Book clubs are one thing, but as a mood reader it’s hard to promise to read a book at a specific time

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  3. The Red Queen series is one I deff am not a big fan. I’ve read all 3 books that are out but I honestly don’t remember much. I remember thinking the first one was decent and then the next two were meh. I also really like The Goblet of Fire. That’s my favorite Harry Potter book too.

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  4. I didn’t really like Red Queen too! And I thought I was a fast reader till I started blogging. There are like people who read 200 books a year? I wish I was that fast. 😁
    Buddy reading is actually fun if you do it with someone you’ve known for sometime, otherwise it’s awkward. 😊

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  5. I couldn’t get into Red Queen! I kept waiting for her to get a paper cut or blush or something and completely blow her cover which somehow didn’t make the reading experience super enthralling? And I just couldn’t get past that. I did finish Eliza and Her Monsters but… it wasn’t really one of my favourites either

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  6. Great answers! I’m a slow reader. Now, sometimes I can read fast but that’s very rare. So I’m always behind on my reading schedule. But seeing some of the other people in this community reading so many books in a month, I just don’t know how they do it! They are truly magical beings!


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