Three Month Blogversery! Updates + Blogging Questions (help me out!!)

HeLlO!!! Guess what today is!!! It’s my three month blogversery!!!

Image result for gatsby fireworks

This is crazy to me! I remember just starting my blog and being so intimidated and it was crazy but now I’m here???

ALSO this week I just crossed 300 followers!!! I’m super super SUPER happy with 300 followers in three months that’s just insane to me!! THANK YOU soooooo much to each and every single person who has followed me!!!


So the thing is that now that I’ve been here for a few months, I feel like I should know my way around blogging, but tbh I’m just bsing my way through everything and there’s sooo much I still don’t know??? If you could help me out with a few questions that would be much appreciated.


1. HOW MANY PEOPLE DO YOU FOLLOW? I love following people! I love making new friends! But I’m following a loooot of people, in my opinion, and I’m starting to get overwhelmed and can’t keep people straight?? And I feel super bad about it because your blog deserves so much love but I can’t keep up??

2. HOW DO YOU GET NON WORDPRESS FOLLOWERS? 299 of my 300 followers are WordPress followers haha. I feel like people all have a substantial amount of email followers though, and I’m wondering how you got them? It might be because I don’t have Twitter, which I’m tempted to get, but also I don’t want to get sucked down that social media hole.

3. HOW TO COMMENT ON BLOGGER?? I want to spread the love and joy and comment everywhere! But trying to comment on Blogger with my WordPress account gets me “your open ID credentials could not be verified” :/ So I usually just comment with Name/Url, but sometimes people don’t have that turned on so I can’t comment?? Is there another way??



ALSO speaking of being all sunshiney and happy (ps thx to the 9 people who’ve nomintaed me for the sunshine blogger award what have I done to deserve this honor?? *wipes tear*) can I just pls talk about some of my favorite people I’ve met in the past 3 months??

  • Kelly from Another Book In The Wall aka superwoman who somehow manages all these amazing discussion posts and has a super aesthetic blog.
  • Dani from Touch My Spine Reviews aka the most friendly helpful amazing person ever.
  • Maria from Bookgraphy aka the gif-queen who is just too friendly and awesome?? And I love her gif usage.
  • Andie from Andrea’s Nirvana aka plain old amazing because her comments always make me happy and she’s just so nice and bff like.
  • Kara from Bernard’s Book Blog aka the aesthetics master because wow I am LIVING for her rainbow watercolor theme. Also she’s sooo nice she just shared a list of post ideas with me and I’m forever in debt.
  • Malanie from Malanie Loves Fiction aka the best personality ever because her style of writing blog posts gives me life.
  • Emma from Emma Reads Too Much aka best comments because I live for her comments they make my day. Also aesthetics master part two because I mean, hello? Have you seen her blog?
  • Forgetfulness aka myself because there are definitely tons of other people who I absolutely love and adore and ahhh but I’m forgetting to put you on this list and I’ll kill myself later when I realize.

Image result for dory

So yeah just thanks to EVERYONE and here’s to another three months and beyond!!!! Because I’m too young to drink, let’s toast with root beer floats because I’m really craving a root beer float right now.


49 thoughts on “Three Month Blogversery! Updates + Blogging Questions (help me out!!)

  1. COngrats Kay… You’re awesome. It’s just your third month and look at your followers, it only means you’re way diligent with your blog than I am. and for that, you’re motivating me. Keep up the good work. 🙂 🙂
    I used to have problem commenting on Blogger, now I’m using Google+… 🙂 🙂

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  2. Congratulations! I love your blog, and you deserve much more! 🙂 I only have 4 non-wordpress followers, and one of them is my best friend, so…the same problem haha. 😀 With blogger too, on some I comment through Disqus, on others I have to do the name/email thing, but I’d really love to comment with my wordpress account. Aaaand I follow 257 sites, more than I have followers haha! The good thing is that some of them post once per week/month, so I manage to catch up, but yeah, it takes me several sessions a day to go through all the posts I want to read, and it’s getting harder and harder. :/ So I have the same problems as you, I’m not helping haha, hope someone will enlighten us on the secrets of successful blogging. 😀 Have a great day! 🙂 ❤

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  3. Congratulations! 300 followers in just 3 months is amazing and so is your blog 🙂 I follow 276 people and it’s definitley a lot to keep up with, but there’s just so many lovely blogs and I want to read them all?? But yeah, I struggle with keeping everyone straight too!

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  4. Congratulations on 300 followers, and here’s to many more in the future!

    I have no idea how many blogs I follow exactly, but I do know what changed about how I follow blogs. When I first started out, I followed any book blog that followed me. I have a hard time searching WordPress for blogs to follow, so that was the only way I found blogs. But as my blog grew, I just couldn’t give everyone’s posts the attention they deserved. Now I’m fairly selective with who I follow, but I still do look at anyone who follows/like a post/ comments on For the Lover of Books to see if I want to follow them. It’s hard because I want to follow everyone, but then I wouldn’t be able to give anyone’s blog the attention they deserve, and then there would be no point in following anyone.

    As for email followers, I’ve gotten an influx of emails from WordPress saying certain emails have followed my blog, but when I check my stats it says I don’t have any email followers, so I’m not sure I’m the best person to answer this, but I’m going to try. I think it does have to do with social media presence. I started to notice the influx of email followers after gaining followers on Twitter and Instagram. I know other social media accounts are hard to manage on top of running a blog, but they are also useful for getting ARC from publishers because they want more than just your blog stats. They want to know how many followers you have elsewhere.

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    1. Thank you, Moira! Completely relate to the struggle of not being able to give everyone attention. Yeah, I feel like I really should start a Twitter to request arcs… Thanks so much for the advice! ❤

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  5. Congratulations! Funny, today is also my three month anniversary! Your blog is wonderful, congrats on everything you’ve accomplished 😁 I started a bookstagram account but I stopped posting everyday bc I felt like I was getting sucked into the social media hole as you said. I still post but not as much since it didn’t bring a lot of people to my blog anyway

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  6. CONGRATULATIONS KAY! I honestly love your blog so much, and you absolutely deserve your 300 followers, and so much more!! ❤ And thank you so much for your kind words!! I only have 9 non-Wordpress followers, so I don't have a clue how to get people to subscribe through email. Lol! And I follow around 150 WordPress sites, most of which post 4-5 times a week, so my feed is always filled! 😀

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  7. Congratulations!!!! And omg thank you so much for for name-dropping my blog — you’re too, too sweet! ❤️ I can answer a couple of your questions… though they’ll probably be poor answers lol. I’m following 60 blogs right now, but probably 1/4 of them haven’t been active in a while, and I haven’t really interacted with a lot of the others. I probably interact with maybe 7-10 bloggers frequently and a couple on a daily (or near daily) basis. I really want to start interacting with more bloggers, but I’ve got the same problem as you: I don’t want to get people mixed up! That’s why I’m only interacting with a few at a time, at least until I’ve interacted with them long enough to remember who they are and what blog they’re attached to.

    As for getting non-WordPress followers… I have no idea how people get so many. I have one email followers, and it’s my dad 😂

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  8. Congrats on 3 months and 300 followers!! That’s so amazing!! 😀

    I follow a little over 100 bloggers. I have no idea how to get get non wordpress followers. I’m pretty sure I use my Google+ account to comment on blogger. Sorry if these aren’t the best answers. I hope someone can give you the answers you need. 🙂

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  9. Happy 3 Months!! I also always have many of the same questions as you so i’m excited to read through what people say lol (especially about commenting on blogger with wordpress because it always says my credentials are invalid too ugh). I can’t wait for more of your awesome posts in the future, keep up the wonderful work!! 🙂

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  10. OMG!! KAY Congratulations on 3 mooonths! You know how much I LOVE your blog ❤ and You Deserve all the good this world and blogging community has to offer ❤ and thank You for the gif-queen name hahaha ❤ Cheers, for a looot moore!

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  11. Congrats on both milestones! I don’t think I really have any advice that hasn’t already been covered but I’d just say that really there is no right or wrong way to blog. You should follow or interact or post in whatever way makes you comfortable so if getting a bit overwhelmed then cut back a bit but I also understand wanting to see what all is out there too. 🙂

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  12. Congrats on 3 months whooo!! That’s AWESOME and I hope you have fun for the rest of your first year (and beyond!!) too! 😀 As for the blogger comments: you could always just open a blogger account?! I hate it how it’s so hard for WordPress users to comment there too ugh. And do you have a bloglovin? I find that’s a good way to get followers and build your audience! (I also love doing linkups and commenting-back to find new blogs to read/follow.) 💖 Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Cait!! Opening a blogger account is a good idea, I might do that soon 🙂 I don’t have bloglovin but after reading your comment I definitely think I need to get one!!! ❤


  13. YAY for three months of blogging! Seriously, well done on the milestones so far 😀
    I follow about 300 people on WordPress, but I don’t think even half of them are active anymore. I have been on here for close to 5 years, and people just come and go?? Also, I only have like 30 email followers and am definitely the worst ever on commenting on Blogger posts, because it’s just so annoying when it doesn’t take my ID an such. I wish I could give actual helpful answers, but I am sure others will give better advice.

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  14. Happy 3 months!!! I’ve /just/ started my own wee babby blog and I’m having a lot of fun, but with two jobs, I’m kind of taking it slow with following blogs? I’m sticking my toe in like Tantor from Tarzan (and I’m wailing “Mum, do I know what I’m doooinnnngg?”) and I think with time I’ll be ready to cannonball in (in fact, I’m excited for it!) I agree though that I don’t want to get overwhelmed.

    I do have an Instagram and I’m really enjoying my colorful book-strewn lovely dashboard?! Lol, that’s mostly why I’m into it, plus experimenting with my own pictures. Instagram’s the only social media I’ve ever had because once you follow what you love, it can be really nice to scroll through and see pretty, happy-making stuff. And I’ve followed some publishers and giveaway peeps, so maybe free books?

    Happy future blogging!

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    1. Thank you so much, Shai ❤ I hope you have fun with your blog–the community here is amazing and starting this blog is definitely one of the best choices I've ever made ❤ I admire you for having a bookstagram because I always look at bookstagrammers and am in COMPLETE awe because those pictures are GORGEOUS and HOW ❤ ❤

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  15. AHHH congrats on 300!! and on 3 months!!! that is some impressive growth.

    1) i don’t really know how many people i follow?? but i’m going to cut down SOON. mainly i just follow the people whose blogs i comment on + who comment on mine. anything else just makes me feel uncomfy/unequal you know??

    2) i have not that many non-wordpress followers, but i think those i do have are from cross-promotion on my goodreads and instagram.

    3) haven’t the foggiest idea!!

    also: YOU ARE SUCH A FAVE. i love all your posts so much and it’s a pleasure to comment on your blog!! can’t wait to continue doing so ❤ ❤ congrats again!

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  16. Hello! I just discovered your blog 🙂 Congrats on your achievements!

    I do think I can help with one of your questions, the one about getting non WordPress users. Other people who have a ton of email followers have them (hard work aside), because they make the email follow the only option. Given the option, WP users will choose to follow through WP so that they can get updated easily through the reader. There is also Bloglovin’, like Cait suggested!

    Love the blog!

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  17. Aww, thank you so much for mentioning me! (and apologies for being late and for the slight inactivity lately, my SATs are being pains in the backside.) Right back at you with the comments and bff likeness 😀 (side note, I’m more than willing to take up on that offer and chat outside of the blog if you’re feeling like it??)
    Congrats on 300 followers! I get you on the email follower bit, I only have around 7 and most of them are people I know IRL… So I understand :))
    Thanks again ❤ much love ❤

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