September 2020 Monthly Wrap Up

This month… has been a lot.

somehow 2020 just!! keeps!!! getting!! worse???? you don’t think it possible and then bam bam!! it is possible! wORSE!! clearly I’m loosing it

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1.  Among The Beasts and Briars ★ // This was so much fun! And it really felt like I was reading a whimsical fairy tale, which was amazing.
2. These Violent Delights ★★★★★ // This was my most anticipated release of the year and it did not disappoint. It was AMAZING. Gave me a book hangover. Can I give it 6 stars? love love love
3. Three Dark Crowns ★★
☆☆ // This was supposed to be a book about three queens killing each other for the throne and instead I got 300 pages of useless flirting. 
Every Soul A Star (reread) ★★★★// I got the random inclination to reread this childhood favorite and it’s super cute.

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5. And I Darken ★★ // Idk why I thought this would be fantasy because it wasn’t. It was super boring too.
13. The Surprising Power Of A Good Dumpling ★★★★★ // This was super cute and also powerful and moving and also delicious.
14. Enchantée ★★★★☆ // I loved the glamorous vibes and magic of this book, also yay biracial rep, but it was too long.
15. Smoke In The Sun ★★☆ // I feel like… nothing happened in this book lmao. It was long and boring and I wasn’t invested in the story at all.

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16. Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets Of The Universe ★★☆ // Unpopular opinion I know but all I have to say is this book was Catcher in the Rye but gay. and I hate catcher in the rye
17. Ash Princess ★★★★★ // I just!! loved this book so much!! I’m surprised too I wanted to like it but didn’t know I would love it so much and here we are!

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I also reread my seven favorite childhood books but I won’t promote them. I read 17 books this month which is the most I’ve read in a long time… last hurrah before school lol.

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I did not post much this month, but here are the posts I did make.

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Your Posts

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  • Honestly… idek what happened this month. it’s all a blur. 
  • I finally went back to school at the end of the month. and by that I mean back to zooOOOOOM. I’m 200% gonna die because like a fool I’m taking bio, ochem (rip), and physics all together (online, as if it wasn’t bad enough in person) so if you don’t see much of me you know why!!!
  • I did a lot of baking as usual. I’m working on perfecting my own unique chocolate chip cookie recipe.
  • I’ve been off Twitter for most of the month because with all the shit happening I simply canNOT take more the drama and toxicity right now. I’m so addicted I feel low-key fomo lol but I know it’s better for my mental health.
  • The United States is… imploding. and I am imploring you from the bottom of my heart, if you are 18 and American, vote. I’ve already requested my mail in ballot. vote like your life depends on it because it sorta does.

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Let’s Chat

How was your September? Zoom University going well for anyone? Have you also been thinking of These Violent Delights and nothing else for the past three weeks? ARE YOU REGISTERED TO VOTE??? I’d love to chat in the comments below!


46 thoughts on “September 2020 Monthly Wrap Up

  1. My best friend read Enchanté and said it was amazing too! I know what you mean about the month passing in a blur. I feel like I’ve blinked and missed it. Im actually liking online teaching for my uni but I wish they had told me that I could be all online because I wouldnt have moved out of home if I had known to save money. Now im trying to decide if I should move home perminantly or not. Its melting my brain 😂 i hate decision making

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  2. you are so rIGHT whenever we think that 2020 can’t get worse 2020’s like “haha no ur wrong i suck more” and I truly have no idea what’s going anymore except [long scream]

    im currently reading tvd and it’s! so! gOOD 😭 and I have an arc of the surprising power of a good dumpling and im more excited about it now since you liked it!! I haven’t read loveboat taipei but I just went and read ur review and ur so right!!! more color guard rep in books aaaahhhh!!! im not in color guard lmao but like all my friends are in it so like I know the terminology and im so sorry the color guard part of the story wasn’t done justice 😐

    also omg your classes, pls don’t die!!! but also I know you can do it ❤ hope you have a lovely October!!!

    (thank you for mentioning my post, ilu <3)

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    1. lmao true we still have 3 months left of this year what else could happen now??? taking any bets?? what will the next disaster be???

      TVD is absolutely amazing askdjfslaf glad you agree ❤ and good dumpling is so good too I hope you enjoy it!! and yayyy!! someone who appreciates color guard ❤ ❤ my heart just swelled five sizes reading that lol because nobody cares about us.

      I'm very much dying!! will probably be dead by classes before 2020 ends so that's a plus? thanks for the encouragement though haha, hope you have a great October too ❤


  3. 2020 really does just keep on Happening, huh? 🙃

    So happy to hear you enjoyed These Violent Delights, bc it feels like everyone is talking about it right now and I’m excited to read it! Also 17 books in one month is so impressive 😱

    “Vote like your life depends on it because it sorta does” is a MOOD. Hope online school goes well for you, and happy October! 🎃

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  4. September was definitely a mess lol. Glad you were able to get a large amount of reading in! I’m taking 2 online grad school classes and they are challenging but not too bad. I can feel the dread and stress growing though and I’m a little afraid of what the next two months will be like. I hope October goes better for you! Happy Reading!

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  5. I hope your election goes better than ours did, and that he’s finally out!!
    We had a provincial election too in my region of Canada.. to have it done absolutely NOTHING. But give more power to the guy already in power – which is anti-french, no abortions, etc. 🙃

    I haven’t done physic; but I did loved biology & sucked at chemistery (no idea how I even passed that xd) — doing them all online sure seems hard! Goodluck!! 💕

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  6. I’m so so excited for the Violent Delights!! And yes, Loveboat, Taepie was such an amazing book!
    Ugh school really is annoying and doing it online has been even worse for sure but you can do it!!! All the best for all your classes ❤

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  7. I’m sorry September wasn’t a really great month for you Kay, but I’m so glad you loved These Violent Delights – definitely a book I’m looking ahead to reading!

    Thank you so much for mentioning my post!

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  8. These Violent Delights is on of my most anticipated reads and I just can’t seem to get a copy, no matter how hard I try *sigh* – I guess I’ll have to patiently wait for release day. Everyone seems to love it and ugh it’s making the wait so much worse! lol

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  9. Three Dark Crowns was so disappointing for me too! Like I was there for the weird sister relationships and political intrigue but instead we got the love triangle and romance which I couldn’t stand. I’ve heard so many good things about Enchantee! Hope your October is better.

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  10. Kay, yes indeed this year does just keep getting worst and I do not understand but I hate it here welp. But sending love your way <3<3


    ah and also just got approved an earc of The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling bc the pb edition just came out and you've made me even more excited!! Hope your October is so much better Kay xoxoxo

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    1. the fact that the year has already gotten worse between me writing this post 5 days ago and today lmaooo #2020 </3
      and good dumpling is soooo good too ❤ I hope you love it!! hope you have a great oct too ❤

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  11. I can’t believe 2020 it’s crazy. It sounds like you had a great reading month! It’s very cool that you are making a chocolate chip cookie recipe! I hope zoom school goes well and you have a wonderful October💕

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  12. Every month of 2020 has literally sucked, but at least you’ve read some great books! You have me SUPER excited to read Among Beasts and Briars and These Violent Delights when they come out!!! I agree with you in regards to And I Darken being boring as hell, but surprisingly enough, I actually really liked the other two books in the series. Maybe it was just because of the mood I was in when I read them (I’m a HUGE mood reader btw), but I thought they were pretty good!

    Anyways, let’s cross our fingers that October isn’t completely awful. It’s 2020, so it’s bound to suck in some shape or form, but hopefully it sucks LESS than the other months? Idk lol 😂

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    1. Very true on 2020. October already sucks and we’re like 5 days in lmao.
      Ahhh those two books are amazing!! I hope you love love love them ❤ glad I'm not the only one who thought And I Darken was soooo boring haha


  13. I started online school a few weeks ago and asdfghadgsdfsf there is so much zoom!!! I have to do PE online and it’s horrible. I can’t vote because I’m not old enough but thank you for voting!! I really wish I could but I still have more than four years haha. I hope you have an okay October!!

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  14. *Sighs* talk about a dumpster fire of a year, am I right? I’m sorry to hear that you were feeling a bit off this month. And oh my gosh – I can’t even imagine trying to take classes like bio, ochem and physics via Zoom. Like, how…??? 🙈🙈🙈 But, if it makes you feel better, someone made a video on YouTube about what potions class would look like at Hogwarts in 2020 and I laughed for days. [Totally how I would imagine you taking Chem LOL!].

    As for your September books, I read And I Darken on release way-back-when and I’m so glad to find another blogger who feels the way I did! Like, it’s hella boring??? It’s not bad exactly just not at all what I signed up for – where’s the fantasy???

    Also, I wasn’t sure about These Violet Delights [Shakespeare’s not my thing] but I think you’ve just convinced me I need to read it. If only for the Asian rep and 20’s vibe!

    I’m hoping that Spooktober will be a little kinder to you – have an amazing month, Kay! 💙💙💙

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    1. This year is very trash. idk how I’m already dying (reeeaaaaly shouldn’t be blogging rn I should be doing my physics problems ahh). haha I think I saw the video you’re talking about (with Snape?) and it was hilarious and a mood

      Agh right And I Darken was… so much nothing. like 500 pages of literally nothing?? i kept waiting for it to get interesting and it was like nah.

      AHHH These Violent Delights is absolutely AMAZING you must read it!! Tbh Shakespeare’s not my thing either and I low-key hated Romeo and Juliet lmao but TVD is such a good book!! it like takes all the best parts of the play (enemies to lovers, forbidden romance, blood feud) and gets rid of the bad parts (their age, the rly dumb miscommunications, instalove) and drops it in the middle of atmospheric roaring 20s Shanghai and also adds a monster and mystery and ~ y e a r n i n g ~ and I’m going off but I have not been able to stop thinking about it for a month and just want to be okay again *sOB*

      aNYways! hoping you have a great spooktober too, alexandra ❤

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      1. Okay, you’ve definitely sold me on These Violent Delights. I mean, no instalove? No stupid misconceptions and miscommunications? ROARING TWENTIES??? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! Also, let’s face it – you’ve never led me wrong with your book recommendations! [Haha now the pressures on! 😉 ].



  15. Kay!! Why are you taking OChem, Bio, and Physics all at the same time??? I am literally sending you all my thoughts prayers and extra energy 😭😭 Ugh, yes getting off Twitter sounds like a really great idea tbh, I just can’t seem to stay away from the garbage fire that is current events though.

    Ooh, you must share your chocolate chip cookie recipe once you’ve perfected it 👀 I’ve taken to randomly baking in middle of boring lectures and I feel like these would be a lifesaver. Ahh, thank you for sharing my post!! I’m so happy you liked it 💕

    I hope you have a fantastic October!!

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    1. ahhh because I hate myself apparently?? pretty sure my school specifically makes the beginning bio major track impossible to weed people out lmao i just have to survive this year… I have to survive this year and then it’ll get better… I just have to tell myself that before I go crazy. haha I can’t stay away from the garbage fire current events either but I’ve figured it’s better for me to get the news from a (relatively) credible news source instead of angry people on twitter lmao.

      yesss I’m working on it!! randomly baking in the middle of lectures sounds great tbh maybe I should do that. a 2020 mood, honestly. watching lecture and actually, you know, paying attention and taking notes?? so 2019.

      of course! loved your post ❤ hope you have a great October too!

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  16. ngl your rating of ari & dante breaks my heart a bit, hahah. it’s just my favorite book of all times! i’ve never read catcher in the rye though so i have no idea how it compares and how to point out the similarities.

    and let me tell you: there’s not much going on twitter, so no fear on missing out! i feel like it’s just recycling of the same discussions every two weeks anyway, without any proper depth to them, and just a bunch of annoying and toxic comments thrown around. can you notice i really dislike the app? hahahah. and your mental health really is more important!

    zoom university is going terribly here, but we’ll keep going and pretending its fine hahah 🙃 hope you have a great october, kay!

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    1. I’m sorryyyy I know it’s an unpopular opinion but that book was just not speaking to me lmao

      haha that’s good to know! ive casually replaced a lot of my twitter scrolling time with instagram lmaooo still wasting time but at least it’s not as annoying and toxic!!

      what a mood zoom university really sucks but we keep going. hope you have a great October too!

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  17. Oooooh These Violent Delights is definitely on my list of books that I need to buy in the near future. I haven’t been buying hyped up books as instantly as I used to (mainly because I have a million books at home I am trying to get through) but I just have a VERY good feeling about this book. I am sooooo not surprised by your rating for Three Dark Crowns. Those books were so…..meh. And I 100% agree with the 300 pages of useless flirting!!!

    On another note, I hope things getting better for you guys in the USA. Watching from the outside is infuriating and saddening as it is, so fingers crossed you will have a new president soon and things will improve. You are in my thoughts 🙂

    Great post lovely! I hope you have a wonderful October!!

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  18. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who didn’t like Aristotle & Dante!! I think I read a couple of chapters but I ended up DNFing it because I hated it oops. I think for me it was just because I’m not really an atmospheric reader and for me it was a bit intense and poetic. Probably just me though!
    Hope your Zoom uni goes okay and isn’t too hectic or intense. Thankfully here in the UK we’re back to in-person school and whilst it’s very different (and was so weird to be back after 6 months of virtual school), I’m glad I’m getting to experience my last year before uni properly.


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