Another Versatile Blogger Award || Am I Secretly A Goth Sloth?

Hello everyone! I was tagged by Siohban’s Novelties for the Versatile Blogger Award! Make sure you check out Siobhan’s lovely blog! Anyways, I know I’ve done this one before but I’m not really sure how many times, but this one asks for facts about yourself and new year new me so why not share some new things about myself?


  • If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award
  • Thank the person who gave you the award
  • Include link to their blog
  • Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself


All About Me

1. I am secretly a sloth. I spent my days lying around, eating, and sleeping. My favorite Christmas present this year was a sloth blanket and it is life I just wear it all day. Pretty sure I’m going to start growing green fur soon.


2. I refuse to stop celebrating Christmas. Christmas was two weeks ago and I’m listening to Christmas music as I write this and I started listening to Christmas music in early November and I refuse to believe it’s not Christmas all year round.

3. I try to do hand-lettering but my handwriting is illegible. Seriously, I don’t know why I try. Probably too in awe by all those amazing bullet journals I see around here. But I legitimately can’t read my own handwriting sometimes which poses a problem when trying to study my own notes.


4. I pretty much wear nothing but black. Looking at my blog, it’s all pink and flowers and bright colors. It’s all an illusion that I am a peppy person have you been tricked??? Wearing black jeans, a dark grey shirt, and black hoodie right now. It’s not even on purpose I’m not goth or anything I just like black okay. Except wait…goth sloth has a certain ring to it…

5. I watch more Disney movies than anything else. I just…like Disney princesses? I saw five movies in theaters last year and three of them were Disney and I actually can’t wait for Frozen 2 and Aladdin and everything okay let me live.


6. I’m indecisive about my Hogwarts House. Ahh this is so stressful in the bookish community where everyone has such house pride and loves Harry Potter so much especially since I love Harry Potter so much but?? I just?? Don’t know?? Pottermore says I’m Hufflepuff but I think I’m more of a Ravenclaw and a little Slytheryn the only thing I’m sure about is that I’m not a Gryffindor bravery what’s that?

7. I love rain. What is the point of that rain rain go away song? Rain is the best weather there is I love it with all my heart and it’s raining right now and that’s making me so happy!!


Tag! You’re It!

Tiffany | Eva | Leslie | Audra | Kaya | You!


Let’s Chat!

Is anyone else still denying that Christmas is over too? Or indecisive about their Hogwarts house? Tell me I’m not alone!!! I’d love to chat in the comments below 🙂


22 thoughts on “Another Versatile Blogger Award || Am I Secretly A Goth Sloth?

  1. If that’s the case, then I’m probably a sloth, too!

    But I LOVE Disney movies, and there’s no shame in that. I pretty much love all things Disney, honestly. I’m so excited for Frozen 2! But when will they come out with the trailer??

    And my Hogwarts House? I used to be a Gryffindor for 3 years, but for the past 3+ years Pottermore has said I’m a Ravenclaw? A Gryffinclaw?

    So don’t worry, you’re not alone 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahh such a fun tag! I also love listening to Christmas music year round and am a huge Disney fan 🙂 I’m also definitely the same as you where I have a happy pretty pink blog but constantly wear dark colors. I used to be pretty indecisive about my Hogwarts house, but I think I’ve decided that I’m a slytherin! Thank you so much for tagging me ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you, for the tag!! ❤ So, I totally feel you on Christmas. My tree and all my decor is still up. We are finally going to take it all down this weekend! When my in-laws were here a week ago, they kept telling us to take it down. No, thank you!

    I try so hard at hand lettering and I practice for a few weeks and then I stop. I hear the key to it is to practice consistently. I just get too lazy. haha.

    Yes to Disney movies!!! They are my favorite and we are getting a ton this next year!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Okay I’m agreeing with so many things. Sloth is pretty accurate for me as well haha + dude ! I start listening to Christmas music right after Halloween haha. My whole closet is only neutral colours and I adore Disney and their songs!

    Liked by 1 person

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