Top Ten Tuesday || Quick Reads To Pull You From A Reading Slump

Top Ten Tuesday is a book blog meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s prompt is Books To Pull You Out Of A Reading Slump. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve really had a reading slump. I never knew what that was like before I started blogging haha. I mean, I just always feel like I can pick something up? I don’t know.

But, like everyone, there are times when I’m not really feeling getting into a huge monster book. For those moments, some light, fast, easy to read books (usually contemporaries) really make me want to read more!! And it’s definitely the time for guilty pleasures haha.

1. Simon Vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda: Best contemporary ever! This one is bound to make you happy, that’s for sure!!

Image result for simon vs the homosapien agenda goodreads

2. The Princess Diaries: Seriously, TOO FUN! The books are insanely short, but they’re so silly and ridiculous and cute and just love.

Image result for the princess diaries book

3. To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before: I love Lara Jean. Nothing more must be said.

Image result for to all the boys i loved before goodreads

4. Love and Gelato: Ahh this is one of my favorites!!! The family theme is so strong, and the love is just as cute, and, most importantly, FOOD

Image result for love and gelato goodreads

5. Love, Life, and the List: This is such a fun summer read with some amazing things happening in it to just fall in love with.

Image result for love, life, and the list kasie west

6. Geekerella: This one is just too perfect!! It’s so cute and quirky, and so easy to read!

Image result for geekerella goodreads

7. The Selection: This is my absolute guilty pleasure and I’m not ashamed!! It’s just so much cute fluff, unfathomable as it may be, and always makes me happy!

Image result for the selection goodreads

8. Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour: One of my favorite contemporaries ever!! The road trip love is amazing and you’ll be smiling all the way through!

Image result for amy and roger's epic detour

9. Fangirl: This one is a bit longer, but you can’t even tell because it’s such a fast, fun read! Seriously, who can’t relate with Cath?

Image result for fangirl goodreads

10. My Lady Jane: Ahh this one is so fun and funny! The tone is amazing and it just forces you to laugh out loud

Image result for my lady jane goodreads


Let’s Chat!

What types of books do you go for in reading slumps? Anyone else like me and not quite able to fathom what exactly is a reading slump anyways?

53 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday || Quick Reads To Pull You From A Reading Slump

  1. TATBILB and The Selection are great books to pull you out of a reading slump. Still need to read all the other book in your list!! Great choice 💕

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  2. I don’t have reading slumps either. Maybe that’s because I have lots of different kinds of books to choose from? I don’t know.

    The Princess Diaries has been on a couple of lists this week. Fangirl sounds like a good book.

    Liked by 1 person

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