WWW Wednesday 6/27/18

WWW Wednesday is a book blog meme hosted by Taking On A World Of Words where bloggers answer three questions: What are you currently reading? What did you just finish reading? What are you reading next?

Just Finished: Just, like, ten minutes ago before writing this post, I finished reading Deathly Hallows, wrapping up my reread (for the 11002934890248209th time) of the Harry Potter series ❤ And just in time–today (tuesday, the day I’m writing this) is the anniversary of the day the first book was published in the UK! Also I only read four books, but considering they’re all 600+ pages, I’d call it a lot 🙂

  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: 5 stars. My second favorite in the series ❤ So happy that Harry has Sirius now
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 5 stars. My favorite in the series!! This is like the middle book, with a lot of the darker more mature content of the later books, but still the childhood whimsy of the first books. And the triwizard tournament is so fun!
  • Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: 4.5 stars. Ah this one was so dark and scary and I enjoyed learning about Tom Riddle’s past!
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: 5 stars. Cue the waterworks–years after my first read of the series I’m still mourning and devastated over those deaths. The ending is truly incredible!

Image result for harry potter prisoner of azkaban goodreadsImage result for harry potter goblet of fire goodreadsImage result for harry potter half blood prince goodreadsImage result for harry potter deathly hallows goodreads

Reading Next: It kind of feels repetitive saying this since I’ve been saying it for weeks, but I’ve put all other books on hold in favor of HP! And now that’s done and here’s what I’m left with 🙂

  • The Hazel Wood: Heard mixed things, can’t wait to form my own opinion!
  • Wild Beauty: Cover appreciation ❤ Heard great things about this one too!

Image result for the hazel wood goodreadsImage result for wild beauty book

41 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday 6/27/18

  1. I think it’s definitely time for me to re-read the Harry Potter series!! But considering the books I read were soft cover, they barely survived my siblings, dad, and I, so maybe a shopping free first! I just finished The Hazel Wood and I really liked it, I hope you find it as enjoyable as I did 🙂

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    1. Oh haha my HP books are absolutely destroyed lol. Goblet of Fire is the worst: the cover is duct taped together and there’s a chunk of a couple hundred pages in the middle that are always falling out. Still my favorite book tho haha


  2. I hope you love the Hazel Wood! I was surprised when I started seeing so many mixed reviews of it as it came out but I personally thought it was amazing. The protagonist can come off a little harsh, but overall I thought it was really great. Enjoy 🙂

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